MATCHA A SuperTea!
Discover all there is to know about the latest green superfood

Matcha is a superpower green tea made of only natural tea leaves that have been shaded-grown and grounded into a delicate power. The best Matcha comes from Japan.
For centuries in the East, Matcha has been recognised as a medicine for the mind, body & soul. Japanese monks descirbed Matcha as a ‘healing medicine for a healthy life’. Modern science of the West has recently confirmed this by exposing its powerful antioxidant, amino acids & vitamin levels.
Why? Because of the way that Matcha is prepared.
Shade grown
Stimulate production of amino acids. Especially L-Theanine which makes matcha a superpower & gives it its flavour.
Stone ground
so 100% of the leaf is drank. This means you take in 100% of the nutrients instead of letting it go to waste (by throwing the tea away)
Health Benefits of Matcha
Matcha tea has a long-celebrated history spanning from the ceremonies of the Zen Monks in Japan to the Instagram shots of the Valley Girls in Los Angeles. But what is it exactly?
Matcha is a superpower green tea made of only natural tea leaves that have been shade-grown and grounded into a delicate power. The best Matcha comes from Japan.

Grades of Matcha

Matcha & Caffeine:
The caffeine in Matcha works its magic in mysterious ways. It gives us ZenErgy.
Many of us enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning because it ensures that we’ll have the energy necessary to plow through the day. But what we don't plan for is the sudden energy crash! Why does this happen? The caffeine supply runs out! Your external battery has died.
How is Matcha a Superpower?
→ Secret Ingredient: L-Theanine
What is that?
An antioxidant that helps balance out many of the negative effects that comes with caffeine. L-theanine is known for helping to reduce anxiety, lower heart rate, enhance mood & make you feel more focused & relaxed.
L-Theanine & Caffeine Together:
Brings out ZenErgy. You gain more energy in a steady manner. When caffeine levels start to drop, your body has time to adjust to its own supply. Think about it like this, you’ve been using your external battery while charging your internal battery.
The result?
Think of Matcha as a clean hit of caffeine. A calm & steady alertness, without the rush & crash.
How to use Matcha
Matcha has been used in Japan for centuries (before meditation & tea ceremonies) to awaken the mind, body and soul.
With its MASSIVE list of health benefits Matcha is used with pretty much everything