Gunpowder Green Tea | Premium - ALL NATURAL Blend | | MaChii Tea Gunpowder Green Tea | Premium - ALL NATURAL Blend | - MaChii Tea Skip to main content
شحن مجاني لطلبات داخل المملكة بمبلغ ٣٠٠ ر.س وأكثر، شحن مجاني لطلبات دول الخليج بمبلغ ٤٥٠ ر.س وأكثر
organic gunpowder green tea teabags next to a box of 10 envelopes with MaChii Tea logo
organic gunpowder green tea teabags next to a box of 10 envelopes with MaChii Tea logo
Chinese pinhead gunpowder been tea brewing in a cup. organic and biodegradable silk tea bag and enevlope
Chinese pinhead gunpowder been tea brewing in a cup. organic and biodegradable silk tea bag and enevlope
Chinese gunpowder green tea tea bag
Chinese gunpowder green tea tea bag
Chinese gunpowder green tea silk organic tea bag brewing in a cup
Chinese gunpowder green tea silk organic tea bag brewing in a cup
Organic Chinese green tea brewing in a cup
Organic Chinese green tea brewing in a cup
organic gunpowder green tea teabags next to a box of 10 envelopes with MaChii Tea logo
Chinese pinhead gunpowder been tea brewing in a cup. organic and biodegradable silk tea bag and enevlope
Chinese gunpowder green tea tea bag
Chinese gunpowder green tea silk organic tea bag brewing in a cup
Organic Chinese green tea brewing in a cup
organic gunpowder green tea teabags next to a box of 10 envelopes with MaChii Tea logo
Chinese pinhead gunpowder been tea brewing in a cup. organic and biodegradable silk tea bag and enevlope
Chinese gunpowder green tea tea bag
Chinese gunpowder green tea silk organic tea bag brewing in a cup
Organic Chinese green tea brewing in a cup
organic gunpowder green tea teabags next to a box of 10 envelopes with MaChii Tea logo
Chinese pinhead gunpowder been tea brewing in a cup. organic and biodegradable silk tea bag and enevlope
Chinese gunpowder green tea tea bag
Chinese gunpowder green tea silk organic tea bag brewing in a cup
Organic Chinese green tea brewing in a cup

شاي أخضر بارود

33.00 SR
شامل الضريبة

شاي البارود الأخضر الخاص بنا صنع بطريقة لف اوراق الشاي الاخضر بعناية على شكل كرات البارود

تتفتح لأوراق كبيرة عند اضافة الماء مما يعطي رائحة جميلة و طعم حلو!

معلومة رائعة: الاسم مستوحى من شكل الشاي المشابه لطلقات البارود في المدافع.

ننصح بشربه ساخن او بارد مع قطرات من العسل.

البلد: الصين

  • 1 bag per cup
  • 80ºC
  • 2-3 mins

  • Chinese Pinhead Gunpowder Green tea
  • Spearmint
  • Peppermint

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
best green tea

the quality of this gunpowder tea is the best I have tasted outside of Asia! You really feel it is strong!