شاي أخضر مع النعناع | MaChii Tea Skip to main content
شحن مجاني لطلبات داخل المملكة بمبلغ ٣٠٠ ر.س وأكثر، شحن مجاني لطلبات دول الخليج بمبلغ ٤٥٠ ر.س وأكثر
organic gunpowder green tea with mint. the packaging has a pickier of a saudi camel and palm trees. the teabags are biodegradable and organic
organic gunpowder green tea with mint. the packaging has a pickier of a saudi camel and palm trees. the teabags are biodegradable and organic
gunpowder green tea with mint brewing in a tea cup while being zen and reading a book
gunpowder green tea with mint brewing in a tea cup while being zen and reading a book
gunpowder green tea with mint wrapped in an enveloped machii tea pyramid tea bag
gunpowder green tea with mint wrapped in an enveloped machii tea pyramid tea bag
green tea with mint brewing in a cup. the tea is wrapped in a biodegradable Soilon silk tea bag. the envelope is wrapped open to the side of the glass cup.
green tea with mint brewing in a cup. the tea is wrapped in a biodegradable Soilon silk tea bag. the envelope is wrapped open to the side of the glass cup.
organic gunpowder green tea with mint. the packaging has a pickier of a saudi camel and palm trees. the teabags are biodegradable and organic
gunpowder green tea with mint brewing in a tea cup while being zen and reading a book
gunpowder green tea with mint wrapped in an enveloped machii tea pyramid tea bag
green tea with mint brewing in a cup. the tea is wrapped in a biodegradable Soilon silk tea bag. the envelope is wrapped open to the side of the glass cup.
organic gunpowder green tea with mint. the packaging has a pickier of a saudi camel and palm trees. the teabags are biodegradable and organic
gunpowder green tea with mint brewing in a tea cup while being zen and reading a book
gunpowder green tea with mint wrapped in an enveloped machii tea pyramid tea bag
green tea with mint brewing in a cup. the tea is wrapped in a biodegradable Soilon silk tea bag. the envelope is wrapped open to the side of the glass cup.
organic gunpowder green tea with mint. the packaging has a pickier of a saudi camel and palm trees. the teabags are biodegradable and organic
gunpowder green tea with mint brewing in a tea cup while being zen and reading a book
gunpowder green tea with mint wrapped in an enveloped machii tea pyramid tea bag
green tea with mint brewing in a cup. the tea is wrapped in a biodegradable Soilon silk tea bag. the envelope is wrapped open to the side of the glass cup.

شاي أخضر مع النعناع

33.00 SR
شامل الضريبة

قم برحلة عبر الصحراء العربية مع مزيج الشاي الأخضر والنعناع. قمنا بمزج شاي غنباودر الأخضر مع النعناع المنعش اليابس بالطعم اللطيف.

يستخدم هذا المزيج منذ عدة قرون نظراً لخصائصه المنعشة والمحفزة. استمتع به كمساعد على الهضم، منظف لسقف الحلق أو باعتباره طريقة منعشة لبدء يومك.

نوصي باحتسائه ساخناً أو بارداً مع إضافة القليل من العسل.

قم بشراء العبوة الأكبر


  • 1 bag per cup
  • 80ºC
  • 2-3 mins

  • Chinese Pinhead Gunpowder Green tea
  • Spearmint
  • Peppermint

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
favourite tea

I love this tea - it tastes so digesting!

Ali Al Eid
One of my best green teas

taste is rich and fresh

The packaging is the best

This is the best packaging I have ever seen for tea! I loved the whole biodegradable eco friendly concept on the packaging as well!

The tea and the quality of the tea is also great!!! Well done MaChii Tea. 👏

Refreshing and impactful.

Once you taste the flavor you will never feel like regular green tea quite does it anymore.

Farah Shobokshi
Minty fresh

Definitely an upgrade to my usual green tea. I love to have green tea after a heavy meal, and this one is so yummy and minty and enjoyable i love it!