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شحن مجاني لطلبات داخل المملكة بمبلغ ٣٠٠ ر.س وأكثر، شحن مجاني لطلبات دول الخليج بمبلغ ٤٥٠ ر.س وأكثر
organic jasmine white tea bags wrapped in individual envelopes. a geisha and a Japanese fan cover the packaging
organic jasmine white tea bags wrapped in individual envelopes. a geisha and a Japanese fan cover the packaging
organic jasmine white tea enveloped silk tea bags in a biodegradable envelope packing. the tea is in tea bags with jasmine flowers and blossoms.
organic jasmine white tea enveloped silk tea bags in a biodegradable envelope packing. the tea is in tea bags with jasmine flowers and blossoms.
organic white tea with jasmine brewing in a mug. the tea is in a pyramid tea bag with the machii tea logo tag. the envelope packaging is wrapped open.
organic white tea with jasmine brewing in a mug. the tea is in a pyramid tea bag with the machii tea logo tag. the envelope packaging is wrapped open.
شاي الياسمين الأبيض
شاي الياسمين الأبيض
شاي الياسمين الأبيض
شاي الياسمين الأبيض
organic jasmine white tea bags wrapped in individual envelopes. a geisha and a Japanese fan cover the packaging
organic jasmine white tea enveloped silk tea bags in a biodegradable envelope packing. the tea is in tea bags with jasmine flowers and blossoms.
organic white tea with jasmine brewing in a mug. the tea is in a pyramid tea bag with the machii tea logo tag. the envelope packaging is wrapped open.
organic jasmine white tea bags wrapped in individual envelopes. a geisha and a Japanese fan cover the packaging
organic jasmine white tea enveloped silk tea bags in a biodegradable envelope packing. the tea is in tea bags with jasmine flowers and blossoms.
organic white tea with jasmine brewing in a mug. the tea is in a pyramid tea bag with the machii tea logo tag. the envelope packaging is wrapped open.
شاي الياسمين الأبيض
شاي الياسمين الأبيض
organic jasmine white tea bags wrapped in individual envelopes. a geisha and a Japanese fan cover the packaging
organic jasmine white tea enveloped silk tea bags in a biodegradable envelope packing. the tea is in tea bags with jasmine flowers and blossoms.
organic white tea with jasmine brewing in a mug. the tea is in a pyramid tea bag with the machii tea logo tag. the envelope packaging is wrapped open.

شاي الياسمين الأبيض

45.00 SR
شامل الضريبة

لقد كان هذا المزيج مخصصًا منذ القدم لأباطرة السلالات الصينية القديمة، حيث يجمع بين أوراق شاي الفاوانيا البيضاء الرقيقة وأزهار الياسمين العطرية. عند مزجهما معاً ينتجان مسحة ذهبية حلوة وزهرية. نظرًا لكونه يحتوي على القليل من الكافيين فقط، يتم تناول هذا المزيج عادةً بعد الوجبات. يعتقد أنه يهدئ العقل، ويساعد على الهضم ويوازن الروح.

نوصي باحتسائه ساخناً بمفرده ودون إضافات.

  • 1 bag per cup
  • 70ºC
  • 2-3 mins

  • Chinese Pai Mu Dan white tea
  • Jasmine blossoms

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
By far the best white tea I have ever tasted

It feels like luxury in a cup. I can really taste the jasmine and flavours of the white tea.

What’s nice is you can see the jamsine flowers

I like that it’s good quality tea in a nice tea bag

Must have at every home/office

Smells great, tastes great and is great addition to your at home spa day 🧖‍♀️ 🤗